

Many of you may be acutely aware of the fact that I was violently opposed to dating during high school. As I left the church, I realized that most of that particular viewpoint stemmed from my religious upbringing and I could find no logical reason to continue thinking that way as I entered into college. However, I have not been surrounded by a great male selection nor have I been in a situation where I thought it would be valuable. Moving to Norman has definitely changed that situation. So, here are some thoughts about dating:

1) It is absolutely horrible for my academics. Why worry about my class tomorrow when I can spend time giggling with a boy?
2) I end up doing things I regret later. Like allowing a boy to write comments in Sharpie on my midriff...
3) I begin thinking about doing things I would never think of doing. For example, I was absolutely sure that I would never attend church, But now I'm considering attending an Eastern Orthodox church. (Which is terribly ironic that the church made me not want to date, leaving the church made me want to date, and finally dating makes me want to go to church. Wow.)

Anyway, I do find it very enjoyable. It's so much fun. I'm really afraid that this anti-dating movement just creates tension between boys and girls. In my situation, I found it just scared every boy who ever asked me out when I explained, "I don't get into meaningless romantic relationships." Their eyes would get big and then I'd never hear from them again. It's not that I'm going out with every guy that comes along, but I don't ask them to put a ring on my finger before I give them my number.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think dating is something that we once talked about peripherally, but I don't recall ever discussing our views in-depth. So having had the impression you didn't previously see anything wrong with dating, this post actually surprised me (in more ways than one).

As to the anti-dating movement reference. I think it's cropping up more and more to counter the temptation to do things the two will regret later, as exemplified by your midriff. *grin* And I think removing avoidable temptation and emphasizing purity is worthwhile. I don't know that there's a tension created.

Keep looking for the church God wants you at, Jesi. I'm praying for you! =)

10:54 PM  
Blogger Jesi E. said...

I remember talking to you about your dating views and saying that I agreed and then getting the impression you were not registering that idea. My very first date was the 10th of March (yeah, a little over 3 weeks ago). I have no desire to sink into sin and I know that I am keeping my promise to God to remain pure. Who I have been seeing is someone who I respect a great deal and who is very careful to protect my innocence. I am not sure how I would have been able to know him if dating was not an option. I am greatly appreciative to have a way of getting to know him, which does not necessitate me delving into temptation. Do pray for me though. God is making some serious transformations in my life and I would like to know my friends lift me up in their prayers.

5:16 AM  

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