
Emperorship of Penguins!

I almost don't want to write anything else. That is the coolest frickin' term I've heard all week.

Okay, okay, I tell you the story behind it. I'm taking one of the most boring course on the face of the Earth and I spend most of my concentration focusing on staying awake rather than the content of the professor's lectures. And suddenly, in the midst of his lecture, he stated, "Emperorship of Penguins." It had something to do with what defines a state, and how Antartica doesn't have a state unless you count animals. Maybe an "Emperorship of Penguins." But that's not important. It makes me happy. I have it written in bold letters on the front of my notebook. Just try saying it sometime this week when things seem to be a little to serious and dull. I hope it makes you as happy as it makes me.


What the water wants is hurricanes
And sailboats to ride on it's back
What the water wants is sunkiss
And land to run into and back


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite word is "retard" or maybe "retarded"... I LOVE reading stuff written by, for, about or with the nature of "retards" or the derivative noun of "retarded," "retardation"...

So, what do you call a bunch of retards? Oh, yeah, that's right: "Oklahoma"!!!!


1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i just rechecked out your myspace and saw the pic of you kneeling in the field taking a picture. while contemplating this image, another sprung unbidden to my mind.

this image was almost identical to the original, but instead of a camera you had some sort of weapon and were on the prowl for something to kill (most likely an opressor of the free thinking world).

just thought i'd let you know since we were on the subject of funny things...

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The artic..At least above the artic circle, brings back so many sweet memories & bittersweet as well. Many things happened to me there, from my finding the legendary Goose-Egg nugget & my many dealings with a gal named Goldie, to that fateful trip with my nephews in which we rode that glacier into Whitehorse beating Soapy Slick to my dogsled.

Ahh those were adventures.

7:20 PM  

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