I'm amused at this moment, because on my way up to my apartment, a orange cat followed me right up my steps and helped himself into my apartment. He seemed clean and friendly enough, so I gave him a bowl of water and watched him explore my apartment. Now he's rolling over on the couch with me begging for affection. He clearly just needed some water and a cool place to take a nap. I think he needs a name. If he returns, I should have something to call him. Any suggestions?
I'm taking U.S. History this semester and one of our assignments is to write an essay about a certain year in history. We randomly drew year out of a bag. I got 1977. Nothing can make a Star Wars fan more ecstatic than that right there. I'm not sure how that's going to make it into my essay, but it will.
1977 eh? I'm trying to think of interesting things going on during that period. I was just starting high school....wait, thats not all that interesting!
Carter was sworn into office as president. Star Wars of course. I'm sure disco was pretty popular about then.
Jesi, I've had a chance to read some of your posts. You have a great blog and I'd like to see more! I like the combination of thoughtful analytical posts and those about life, dating, etc.
U.S. History class eh? Awesome. :)
Hi Jes,
I'd name the cat Leonardo. Leo for short.
Rule #1
If you have a pet and are living in Norman, OK while attending OU, one or more of the following must be your pet(s) name: Boomer, Sooner, Heisman, Stoops.
Just thought you'd like to know. And did anything else noteworthy REALLY happen in '77? I mean, try fitting the rest of the year around the country into your essay while mainly talking about Star Wars. There is a certain way things should be done.
And honestly, I never thought The Princess Bride and Space Balls were in the same vein as far as movies go. Maybe that's just me, or just you. And the smell of Crossroads at 4 in the morning was just the thing to keep you awake. Lots o' good memories....
Cat a L'Orange
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