
What is philosophy?

I'm taking a fantastic communications course this semester and in order to better understand the subject I am learning, my professor has been reviewing western culture. He reminded everyone in class today that a philosophy is not a doctrine. That is that a philosophy is not a set of rules that one must follow. Rather, he explained, philosophy is a way of thinking. What a fantastically important distinction! This is how Ayn Rand and I may have the same philosophy, but she may complete disagree with my personal doctrine. Western philosophy is a way of thinking that believes in the power of argumentation, reason, equality, and individualism. Because this philosophy is so individualistic, it's hard to pinpoint a (or even a few) western doctrine(s). There is some, but it's usually, "Let everyone else alone!" Not that this should surprise anyone, but I've suddenly been reminded how much I love western culture.

Without a doubt, Eastern Orthodoxy is at risk in my life.

My site was recently nominated "Best Culture" by the Okie Doke blog group. I was honored in one way, but on the opposite end, I asked myself, "What the hell does it mean to be 'best culture?'" In my same COMM course, my professor defined culture today. He explained that it naturally flows from the same roots as "cult." What cult do you belong to? Culture is the things around you that make you a part of everyone around you--that which "enculcates" you. I never thought my site would be best at representing a collectivist ideal, but there it is.

Let's say it all together: We are all individuals.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, little lady. Your musings of culture remind me of a time that I & my nephews journeyed deep into South America high into the Andes. Our understanding of the culture there was very limited.

As a matter of fact, one of my nephews actually believed a local legend that concerned square eggs. I set him straight on that one, though. On this trip we encountered some very rough air travel & even lost our luggage.

Things all worked out for the best, we were able to tour the temple of Manco Capac and it even though it rained (the first time in years!!) I think we all came home a little richer & a lot wiser.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not an individual.

Good luck on winning

7:31 AM  

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