
What is the "real world?"

If you haven't had a chance to look over the fabulous dicussions from my opinions on Ray Nagin, you should; it's interesting, to say the least. People have been arguing against my statements by saying that I do not have enough education, experience, or first hand knowledge to have a "valuable opinion." I will call it the "You haven't been in the 'real world'" argument. I'm curious, though, what is everyone's opinion of the "real world?" What is it? How do you become a part of it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real world... I don't believe in a "real world" to believe in it would require me to believe that there are real things. Nothing is real and nothing is false. Everything is just a projection of what's in my own head...but then where is my head existing?? Oh my this is getting confusing. We should take an evening and discuss all of this out over a bottle of wine and hookah.

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ive posted my comment three times and its been lost every time, so if you want to know what i think about this just give me a call...

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 Explainations of "real world" found in webster:

The real world is a phrase coined by institutions of public education in order to make graduation seem more dramatic. They say it is a big scary thing with a few different heads and fur in strange places. This monster is usually a lot nicer than it is made out to be.

It is also a phrase used by adults to gain an inflated sense of authority.

One rarely hears of college life refered to as "not the real world," because the argument is full of holes. "When you wake up every morning and punch in and out of the same monotonous job in order to take care of the family it keeps you from seeing. When you are out of school and no longer learning in any organized fashion. When you go to bed at the same hour every day so you can perpetuate your monotonous career, which you have used to define your life and place in society, then you will know the real world. And you will have such great knowledge because of it."

12:40 AM  
Blogger OurayDreamer said...

What a wonderfully insightful post and not only because I agree with it but because you expressed and opinion, expanded it with evidence and punctuated it with a bit of satirical repartee.
J... I've taken to copying my comments in Word Pad when my posts become more than a paragraph of two because I've lost mine several times

4:51 AM  
Blogger OurayDreamer said...

*an opinion
*paragraph or two
Perhaps I should proofread after I copy into Wordpad...

4:52 AM  
Blogger Zach said...

The real world is the range of experience that constitutes our existence, including (but not limited to) home and school, work and play, politics and hurricanes, ideas and their expression, big people and little people.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I like the idea of nothing being real (therefore implying that everything is real? eh not really...okok lame pun)

But seriously.. what is real? what's real to you and me? this is a pile of crap. The problem here is that logic is a language with limitations.. just like any other language. There are many things that rationality and logic can't explain... so, the point here is that "the real world" is a tv show...and therefore the basis for all understanding of human relations.

and since everything is real, the phrase "real world" means nothing that isn't already understood... through logic...but it excludes anything not explained by logic... which is the limits of real and world and logic.

I'm just kidding.

8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mi numero de telefono es 405 6 23 59 19

and i love the pic on your xanga
(yes i could have writtin this en espanol also, but i really just didnt feel like taking the time)

12:41 PM  
Blogger gr8fulg said...

The Real World is a show on MTV, normal is a setting on the dryer, life is not a bed of roses and "do not let them despise you because of your youth". i grow weary of living in a world made of small boxes...i'm glad you don't relegate yourself to other people's ideas and expectations. definitely a fresh voice!

11:24 AM  
Blogger OurayDreamer said...

"Welcome to the 'real world' she said to me, condscendingly, take a seat, take your life, plot it out in black and white...."
"I just found out there's no such thing as a real world - just a lie you've got to rise above..."
I am invincible, I am invincible, I am invincible as long as I'm alive"
-John Mayer
"Out of the mouths of babes..."
Today, this moment, could be no more , no less real than any other.
An old hippie-dippie once said, "Don't trust anyone over 30." Now that I'm 43 with children in college, I begin to understand what he meant - whether or not he did. My version 'Never trust a cynic - 2. A person whose outlook is scornfully and often habitually negative - no matter how old they are...'

4:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my favorite sayings is "a cynic knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing." I haven't met too many cynical five year olds. I'm not sure that means anything but it's comforting. Suffer the children

5:07 PM  

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