
Ayn Galactica.

I have been hanging out with a good friend of mine throughout the break. He is intrigued with my connections to Objectivism, and he will occassionally delve into a conversation with me concerning it. However, they are short lived, because (In order to avoid the confusing terms "conservative" and "liberal") he is what you might call the "occassional looter." For those of you who are not familiar with the term "looter," I'll clarify with a loose definition: a person who seeks to take away the profit of people who actually work and give it to people who don't work and don't attempt to work. This is an unfortunate situation. I've found most looters have good intentions, but simply lack (or do not wish to posess) the rationality to examine the beneficiaries of their redistribution of wealth.

Anyway, this good friend of mine will then go talk to his brother about our conversations, which is also unfortunate, because I think his brother would probably kiss Marx, Lenin, and perhaps even Stalin on the cheek if he had the chance. So, our conversations never really go anywhere, because I do not have the opportunity to combat the arguments from the source. However, I have never selected friends based on their accordance to my personal philosophies. As long as they do not force me to compromise my moral positions, I feel no harm in enjoying their company. However, I am connected with his brother through this indirect debate.

Beyond this, my friend enjoys watching Sci-Fi shows. My interests in television is for one purpose only: it is light entertainment. I spend a great deal of time thinking, and so, on occassion, I will endulge in an amount of mindless activity. Stargate SG-1 has been a show that I could watch, and enjoy without thinking too much about it. My friend invited me over to watch it with him on the Sci-Fi channel with his roommate in their traditional Sci-Fi Friday get together. Needless to say, I was the only female. On Friday nights, there are three shows: Stargate SG-1 (which has been going downhill), Stargate Atlantis (which started downhill), and Battlestar Galactica. The latter show interests me a great deal, and I have a feeling I will rent a season when I get a chance.

The point here is that I have a new name because of this. Apparently my friend brother used to ask "How's the Objectivist?" but when my friend replied that I hung out with him to watch Battlestar Galactica, the brother was stunned. So now when he asks about me, he asks, "So, how's Ayn Galactica doing?"

Somehow, I delight in this name.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ayn Galactica. I like that.

6:56 AM  

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