
Farwell to History and Communications.

Well, what can I say about American History from Reconstruction to present? It was a little on the boring side. I had an amazing professor, however, who was kind and genuinely interested in the education of his students. However, the pure quantity of the reading was absurd. I to never have to read that many books in such a short period of time. I also delighted in being in a class of honors students. Such smart and social people.

Communications is terribly ironic. The content of the course curses society for it's rigid determination to make everyone and everything the same. It criticizes schools for creating testing systems that are held under time restrictions and limit creativity. Naturally, this course is taught in the very dull Dale Hall with 200 students and almost no interaction from the students to the teachers. The course is composed of three timed multiple choice exams. The point of the class is well taken. Too bad the professor doesn't get it as well.


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