About Me
- Name: Jesi E.
- Location: Norman, Oklahoma, United States
Born in the desolate city of Amarillo, TX, but raised in Oklahoma City. Graduated high school from the Central Oklahoma Home Schooled Class of 2002. Bounced around colleges until finally settling at the University of Oklahoma studying International Relations and French as an honors student. Spent the last summer in Italy, and the last two semester in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Only three semesters left before graduating.
umm...radical muslims began rioting and everyone else joined in i think
The best explanation is found over at wizbangblog.com.
The Muslims have been allowed to come into the country illegally, set up their own communities, speak their own language, and nurse off of the government teat. Then they decide to throw a revolution.
But it couldn't happen here COUGHmexicoCOUGH
As far as I can tell regarding France:
France is in the early stages of societal collapse. Eventually in all socialist nations the weight of the economy and political institutions collapses in on itself, bringing progress and wealth to nill.
Taxes and economic regulation are heavy in France (including the often ignored tax of inflation) which weigh down the economy, waste capital, encourage inefficiency, and disrupt the natural balances that would occur in a market economy. The lack of capital and general human freedom perpetually decrease innovation and productivity. Since it is the people that create the wealth and create the economy (more specifically the producers/innovators), it they who who suffer from an eventual economic collapse.
The early stages of socialist collapse will be more evident in the lowest and most culturally/socially repressed within the society. The stress of the economic decay will be added on top of the already existing social/economic stress.
Minorities in France, specifically Muslims from Algeria and Morocco are treated as third-class citizens. (illegals even worse)Muslim religious attire has been restricted in public schools and police brutality is common.
It is diffuclt enough for immigrants to gain a foothold in a relatively vibrant economy like the United States (which has not progressed as far down the socialist path as France) let alone a stagnant state with 15% unemployment. France maintains massive welfare benefits, but they are not readily available to illegals, nor do these programs ever realistically raise people out of poverty; they only perpetuate it.
In the past there have been massive labor strikes that have shut down the entire public transit system or trash services of the nation. These types of events are among the earliest of social indicators of eventual collapse; stagnation of growth and job creation is another.
I would love to be in France to observe these occrances and interview those involved. I imagine it's like reading a book and then seeing it unfold in real with astounding accuracy. It gives you that tingling feeling.
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