
One Dark Film and One Light Film.

A dear friend of mine left a comment asking me to give 3 reasons to see "Requiem for a Dream." I loved this movie and so I decided to leave an entire post on this subject. These are the three reasons I give anyone so see good films:

1. A good point.
2. Strong characters and plot.
3. Complementary images and sound.

"Requiem for a Dream" not only slides through on these three points, it masters them. It starts with a excellent point: drugs destroy lives. The plot moves smoothly draws this point out in the lives of four central characters, all very believable and interesting. The sound and images match the story flawlessly. I think this film is probably one the best examples of correctly matching images and sound to the story. I really believe that I could watch this film with on the music and the images and still think that it was excellent.

Without a doubt, it is an extremely powerfully movie and one you are not likely to forget. It is definitely in my Top 10 Most Depressing Films, but I will defer to my good friend James, who said the movie made him happy. When I asked him why, he said, "Because I choose not to do drugs." So, there you go. I think everyone should see this movie once. It is a movie for adults: extreme sexual content, rampant drug use, and frightening images. However, if you are in the mood for a challenging film, you should absolutely take the time to watch "Requiem."

On a side note, I just watched the movie "Goodbye Lenin!" and it was a wonderful movie. It was considerably lighter and happier than "Requiem." If you dig foreign films, this is a good one to pick up. Not nearly as great as "Requiem," but well worth the time watching it.


Blogger Jesi E. said...

The details of the sexual content in "Requiem" do not need to be known. However, Chris did say:

"Goodbye Lenin kicks ass. I have two copies on dvd... "

I agree with the first statement, but I'm curious why one would need two copies of the same film...

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jes. I had already decided to make the time to watch Requiem before reading your post. I do appreciate your insight and offering that to your readers. I guess I just didn't WANT to watch it because down....really, really deep, I know that I am no different than the characters in this film. Who wants to really submit to that revelation for entertainment?? I tend to gravitate toward those films/characters who inspire me to see my positive potential, not my dark side....both are necessary and beneficial, aren't they.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I had already seen Requiem at the urging of Youngest. All I can say is......uh.....,well........


If I was in my 20's and angst riddled, it might hold some meaning, but I've come through that & I don't feel like washing my face with the dirty water that movie represents for me. I had 2 thoughts after that film: I want those approx 2 hours back & UNCLEAN UNCLEAN!!!!

After having lived through depressing crap like that, why would I want to watch it?

But then again, I liked Raising Arizona

3:59 PM  
Blogger Jesi E. said...

Well, I really never felt anything in common with the characters. I could never see myself in the same situation. I do not think I would watch Requiem over again, but I think it was a good movie to see once. I know that there are people in the world who exist like this, but I've never personally experienced it. I think the movie is trying to make us non-drug users aware of the extent that drug use destroys lives. I liked the film, because I think it was able to communicate the horror and sadness of the lives of drug users effectively. If it had been any cleaner, Dwayne, I might have argued that sugar-coating the dangers of drug use. When it comes to revealing social problems, sometimes the images have to be a little gruesome. Not entirely different from a war film that shows dead bodies, torture, and intense violence. That's what war is. Needle infections, prostitution, and insanity - that is all a part of serious drug addiction.

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Lovely Wife pointed out that I have never seen Dream. I was confused and thought you were talking about Garden State.

So, to correct my prior comment:

Garden State: BARF!!!!!

4:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Very well made, enjoyed the collage of quick images to tell what was happening, that was very inventive. However, I know what drugs do to peoples lives & while I may need to see a depressing film like this once in awhile I don't think I could enjoy a steady diet of this.

oh & Garden State? BARF

5:38 AM  
Blogger Jesi E. said...

Haha! Well, I'm completely agree that I could not do Requiem over and over again. But, I liked Garden State. I thought it was sweet. And, of course, the music totally rocked.

5:46 AM  

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