The orange cat returned, except this time he was wearing a collar. He has a name. He chilled on the couch with Andey and me last night while we watched "The Princess Bride."
I walked out of the mall last night and the sun was shining brightly. I walked out from the protection of mall canope to discover it was raining. I love the juxtaposition of the two.
There are two exits off of South Bound 1-35 to get onto Main St. There is a yield sign there to allow traffic getting on the highway to continue on. I hate the people who yield to the people who should be the ones doing the yielding. God will punish them some day. He'll probably punish me first for have written that sentence.
I think limes are fantastic.
I watched Meet the Press yesterday. The mayor of New Orleans was on. I sat with smug satisfaction as Tim Russert appropriately humiliated him. Something to the effect of:
Russert: We've all seen the pictures of hundreds of school busses just sitting in water. Why weren't these busses used for transporting people out of the city?
Mayor: We didn't have drivers.
Russert: But does it state in (quoting law) that you are supposed to provide drivers to transport people to safer areas?
Mayor: Well, um, uh, um, uh, hm.
((Jesi is taking liberties with this paraphrasing))
Russert: Why didn't you supply the Superdome before the storm hit?
Mayor: I told people to bring non-perishable food. I thought that'd be enough.
Russert: So, told people to come to that location and only provided running water because you thought people would bring their own supplies?
Mayor: Well, yes, sure, why not?
Russert: You said (then quotes mayor's radio address) about the President. Do you still hold this opinion?
Mayor: Well, I had a chance to talk to the President, and I see that's not the case at all.
::smirks:: Hehe.
So, what did we learn today? The cat's name is Faustas. Rain and sunshine at the same time is good. Yielding when you aren't supposed to be yielding is bad. Limes are fantastic. And, finally, if you are local government, don't cuss out the President when Tim Russert can put you on national television and point out everything you did wrong.